Introduction to Legislation

Purpose of education: It shows the basic concepts, institutions, duties and responsibilities of legislation.
Course Content:
The course is about the work phases of the codification: the initial impulses, the required tests and their results, the way to get to the first draft, as well as the codificator's personal character, supplies, and the attitude.
Exam and assessment system: paper, according to the 3-stage evaluation system excellent (5), average (3), unsatisfactory (1)
Gerencsér Balázs Szabolcs: A kodifikáció munkafázisairól és a kodifikátor kelléktáráról – a jogalkotás bevezető lépései Tamás, Kampis és Vida alapvetései nyomán. IAS, 2014 ősz
Tamás András: Legistica – A jogalkotástan vázlata. Szent István társulat, Budapest, 2005.
Kampis György: Kodifikáció – elmélet és gyakorlat. Unió, é.n.,
Vida István: Jogszabályszerkesztési útmutató (1999, pdf)
7001/1988 (IK.11.) irányelv a jogszabályszerkesztésről


Purpose of education: It shows the basic concepts, institutions, duties and responsibilities of legislation.
Course Content:
The content of the legal norm. Legislative drafting and interpretation
Correlations between changes in the powers of the Constitutional Court and the norm content
Deregulation and derogations
The historical development of deregulation. Deregulation in Hungary
The deregulation of public law, economics and business law concept
The first norm and its relationship with the amendment. Expiration of the amending legislation.
The characteristics of better regulation
Exam and assessment system: colloquium, according to the five-stage evaluation system excellent (5), good (4), average (3), satisfactory (2), unsatisfactory (1)
Tamás András: Legistica. Szent István Társulat, Budapest, 2008.
Blutman László: A dereguláció árnyékos oldala, Közjogi Szemle 2008/2
Drinóczi Tímea – Petrétei József: Jogalkotástan. Dialóg-Campus, Budapest – Pécs, 2004.